Socio-economic Participation of IDPs, Refugees, and Vulnerable Host Population (PAPSE)

Implemented by Dorsch Impact in partnership with GOPA WW and GOPA Infra, in the framework of BMZ's Special Initiative "Forced Displacement", the PAPSE project aims at improving employment prospects for internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and the vulnerable Host Population (HP) in 22 selected municipalities in Mali. 

The consortium is responsible for achieving Output 1 and contributing to Output 2:

  • Improving access of the target group (TG) to vocational and social qualification measures geared towards the TG's and labour market needs (Output 1)
  • Improving the TG's access to income generation opportunities (Output 2).

The contractor is directly responsible for providing short- and medium-term vocational qualification measures for at least 3,700 beneficiaries. Furthermore, in 22 municipalities, decentralised vocational and social qualification measures shall be introduced or improved. Dorsch Impact will support 15 vocational training structures technically, financially and/or with equipment. Through these measures, the project prepares graduates to meet current and future industry demands, enhancing their chances of securing employment or starting their own businesses. 

The project specifically aims to provide quality vocational training measures, based on accredited curricula and modules and in highly demanded sectors (e.g. agriculture, livestock, BTP, photovoltaics, and more) that boost economic development on the municipal level. 


  • Skills and Economic Development


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


From 2020 to 2025



Project Activities

  • Conceptualisation and implementation of local employment and labour market analysis. 

  • Participatory development of gender-sensitive approaches adapted to target groups’ needs, which help to identify further qualification needs. 

  • Capacity building of municipalities to coordinate project activities and constructive conflict management.

  • Provide advice on local development planning with a view to promoting socio-economic participation. ·

  • Adaptation/development of curricula for digital and/or decentralised and/or mobile short-term qualification measures.

  • Improving training services including transforming a vocational training centre for the TG to pursue training of trainers and multipliers on teaching methods (e.g. gender-sensitive, violence-free conflict transformation) as well as technical training, such as implementation of decentralised, short-term (possibly digital) qualification measures (such as literacy and life skills courses such as modules on conflict transformation, job application training, professional appearance at the workplace, etc.)

  • Implementation of centre based, medium- or long-term qualification measures in sectors / on topics relevant for target groups’ needs. 

  • Conceptualisation and implementation of local, gender and conflict-sensitive market and value-chain analysis with focus on potential for employment of the project’s target groups.

  • Conceptualisation and implementation of capacity needs assessments of cooperatives and business development service providers (e.g. chambers, business associations, incubators) in the selected municipalities.

  • Conceptualisation and implementation of gender and conflict sensitive capacity development measures (based on the above-mentioned needs assessments) for newly established and/or already existing cooperatives and business development service providers (e.g. chambers, business associations, incubators).

  • Support for cooperatives can be e.g. in terms of product diversification, market access etc.

  • Career counselling and advice labour market needs for both job placement and enterprise development.

Big pots on a fire place.
Fireplace in Mabilé.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Quality Education
Gender equality
Decent work and economic growth