Prepared to Address the Challenges of Tomorrow

Dorsch Impact is an independent, experienced and reliable consulting partner for international development cooperation. Originating from the three renowned companies AHT GROUP, AMBERO Consulting Gesellschaft and Dorsch International Consultants, we don’t just sum up our seven decades of experience, references and knowledge – we increase the positive impact of our work for our clients and their beneficiaries all over the world. Together with our partners on site we develop and realise solutions to improve the living conditions and livelihoods of individuals and communities worldwide.

Our diverse team is driven by the purpose to achieve positive impact through our work. We place great value to meet on equal terms with our partners. Through flat hierarchies we enable our project managers to take full responsibility for their projects, thus ensuring a direct and trustful collaboration and significantly reducing lag time on executive discussions.

Dorsch Impact is part of the globally active planning and consulting company Dorsch Global. Here, a team of over 7,500 experts from more than 60 countries comes together to build a sustainable tomorrow.

Key Data

  • 70 + years of experience

  • 150 + permanent staff 

  • 500 + experts

  • 140 + projects currently

  • 40 + countries currently

  • 35 + million euros in revenue

Where We Are

Spanning the Globe. Based in the Heart of Germany.

We are located in Essen, Kronberg im Taunus and Munich. From here we successfully design, manage and implement projects in more than 40 countries on all continents.

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Company Structure

Dorsch Impact at Your Services

You can rely on qualified personnel in all our sections. For our partners and clients, we ensure reliability through direct contact persons. Our technical and corporate sections remain at your services.

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Our Clients

Reliable Service Provider for Development Cooperation

Our clients range from governmental institutions, public authorities, and development agencies to civil society, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector. Our extensive experience, flexible structure and participatory approach to consulting allow us to tailor our services to the specific needs of our clients.

We have successfully provided our services to a number of major international development organisations such as KfW Entwicklungsbank (German Development Bank), GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), European Commission, The World Bank Group

Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, European Investment Bank, European Union, AFD (French Agency for International Cooperation), BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe), Enabel, International Development Bank, UNEP (UN Environment Programme), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme),  SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), Fundación Minera Escondida (Chilean Mining Company), Plan International, Sequa (German private sector development organisation), Millennium Challenge Cooperation and others.

Integrity and Compliance

Your Trust is the Key to Our Success

At Dorsch Impact, our corporate values and principles are the basis of our decisions and daily actions. To ensure that these are anchored in all our areas of activity, we have clear guidelines that apply to our employees worldwide.

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A pair of hands organizing six printouts, each detailing fundamental human rights.
See what you need, and together we can see where we can help.
William Ramirez, Team Leader ProPaz I and ProPaz II in Colombia