Knowledge and Institutional Support for IWRM (ResEau III)

The project aims to enhance Chad's long-term resilience to climate variations through active Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) data management and improved knowledge of aquifers and surface water resources. 

The project has three key objectives: improving interventions in the water sector by ensuring continuous production, availability, and accessibility of relevant maps and data tailored to specific areas; strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of the Documentation and Geographic Information Center (CDIG) to autonomously provide services, disseminate products, and support decision-making in the water and agro-pastoral sectors; and anchoring the Master’s program in Hydrogeology and Geographic Information Systems (HydroSIG) at the University of N'Djamena, expanding its scope, and ensuring it continues to produce qualified graduates independently.


  • Sustainable Natural Resources Management
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)


From 2024 to 2028



Project Activities

Hydrogeological Knowledge Production: Develop ~13 hydrogeological maps (1:200,000 / 1:100,000 scale) for central and southern Chad. Collect, analyse, and process geological, hydrogeological, geophysical, and hydrochemical data in collaboration with partners. Process satellite and GIS data, draft maps, and prepare explanatory notes. 

Strengthening the CDIG: Support institutional development in governance, strategic planning, HR, infrastructure, data management, financial sustainability, and partnerships. Build staff capacity in data collection, processing, analysis, storage, and the creation of IWRM products like hydrogeological maps, databases, and a geoportal. 

Anchoring the HydroSIG Master’s Program: Align the programme with the university’s mission, provide technical and material support, and train teachers in practical methodologies. 

Fund Management: Administer a budget of ~4 million Swiss francs. 

A map of Chad with the project logo.
Map of Chad with the project logo: "Mieux connaître pour mieux gérer les ressources en eau" (Better knowledge for better management of water resources). (c) Dorsch Impact

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

No poverty
Zero hunger
Clean water and sanitation
Climate action