Feasibility Study for Climate-Smart Irrigation Schemes (MIIPAC)
The public irrigated perimeters installed on the banks of the Niger River and supplied with water by underground springs are often the only economic and social units that ensure a dignified standard of living in their areas of influence. These areas are threatened by the severe degradation of hydro-agricultural installations, a process that is worsening, by exposure to climatic hazards and environmental threats (erosion and silting, which exceed the current protection capacities of the actors), as well as by insufficient self-management capacities.
In order to stabilise the socio-economic and security functioning of these perimeters in the long term, the feasibility study of the Modernisation of Infrastructure in Large Scale Public Irrigation Schemes for Climate-Smart Agriculture (MIIPAC) project defined the general design for the rehabilitation and modernisation of public irrigated perimeters (25 perimeters: a total of 5,439 ha) in five regions (Tillabéry, Niamey, Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi). The choice of irrigation schemes was made based on objective criteria developed by this study.
The objective of the study was to lay the foundation to realise the rehabilitation of the perimeters in an area of 5,439 ha. In addition to the modernisation of the areas and their development, the Project focused on job creation and value chain development through a public-private partnership.
- Agriculture and Irrigation
- Water Resources Management
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Ministry of Agriculture, financed by KfW
From 2022 to 2023
Tillabéry, Niamey, Dosso, Tahoua and Maradi, Niger
Project Activities
Institutional analysis and assess the current project area and irrigation perimeters.
Select perimeters for rehabilitation based on predefined criteria.
Propose activities, value chain development, and climate-resilient crops.
Conduct economic and financial analysis of proposed measures.
Perform a pre-feasibility study for the 5 MW photovoltaic station.
Assess climate change impact and propose adaptation and mitigation measures.
Identify environmental and social risks, ensuring compliance with KfW and national regulations.
Evaluate the security situation and propose mitigation measures.
Develop a Remote Management, Monitoring, and Verification (RMMV) concept.
Define project implementation structure, budget, schedule, and feasibility study report.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: