Urban Water Supply and Sewerage System
At the time of the project, Banja Luka had population of 230,000, and the water supply situation was critical due to high water losses and faecal contamination of River Vrba, the main water source.
The project “Urban Water Supply and Sewerage System, Banja Luka” focused on improving the reliability and sustainability of the water supply and sanitation services in Banja Luka and thus improving living conditions, raising public health standards and facilitating economic growth. The main project objectives were:
Improving of the water quality of the river Vrbas upstream of the raw water treatment plant.
Ensuring universal, equitable and affordable supply and reducing technical water losses in the town district Caire which in turn reduced energy consumption and ultimately contributed to combatting climate change.
Connecting the town district Tunijce to the public water system.
Implementing a sewerage system for Karanovac.
- Municipal Infrastructure
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Municipality of Banja Luka, financed by KfW
From 2010 to 2016
Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Project Activities
The project comprised four main phases:
Preparation of final design and tender documents
Assistance to the client in tendering and contracting
Site supervision of works
Assistance to the client during the defects Lliability period

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: