Decentralisation and Social Cohesion - PDCS
The Programme Décentralisation et Cohésion Sociale – PDCS supports national and local actors in improving access to municipal services for all population groups and promoting social cohesion in a fragile society.
The programme aims to improve demand-driven municipal services relevant to social cohesion within 30 partner municipalities in the South-West (17) and East (13) regions.
The project is organised around 4 results:
- National and local actors have improved capacities to strengthen social cohesion (Field of Action ‘Social Cohesion’).
- The instruments of local democracy are strengthened by paying particular attention to the needs of disadvantaged people and population groups (Field of Action ‘Local Democracy’).
- The capacity of local players to ensure equal and non-discriminatory access for all groups of people and populations to certain municipal services and infrastructures is strengthened (Field of Action ‘Acces to Basic Services).
- Municipal revenue collection is improved in terms of transparency, efficiency and taxpayer orientation (Field of Action ‘Local Finances and Revenue Mobilisation’).
Dorsch Impact was fully responsible for the achievement of results 2 and 3, and contributed to the achievement of result 1.
- Governance, Peace and Social Cohesion
- Municipal Infrastructure
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
From 2021 to 2024
Burkina Faso
Project Activities
- Support local multi-stakeholder consultations and the implementation of roadmaps on issues of local governance and social cohesion.
- Strengthen the capacities of local players on Leave No One Behind, Prevention of Violent Extremism, Do-No-Harm.
- Support municipalities and CSOs in developing tools for non-violent communication, conflict prevention/management and violent extremism.
- Support intergenerational/intercommunity debates.
- Support radio stations in producing programmes on governance and social cohesion.
- Support the development and implementation of inclusive municipal annual investment plans.
- Support and financing of mini-projects.
- Capacity-building in the areas of water, health, education and civic status, with a focus on inclusion and non-discrimination, for the municipal administration, local elected representatives, village development committees, deconcentrated services and (water) user committees.
- Support the creation/dynamisation of user committees (water, education, health).
Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: