Damage Assessment Study (DAS) – Stage III

Due to the political situation in Yemen, the Water Sector Programme shifted from institutional development to strengthening Local Corporations (LCs) to sustain and enhance water and sanitation services during and after the crisis. GIZ supported the Damage Assessment Study (DAS) in 2014-2015, providing an initial assessment of 12 water corporations, utilities, and branches, with recommendations for service maintenance and institutional operations.

The BMZ-funded DAS Stage III aimed to update LC infrastructure and institutional conditions while preparing emergency relief, investment, and capacity development measures for conflict and post-conflict implementation. The objectives were:

  • Develop a strategic approach to enhance LC resilience in water and sanitation services. 

  • Design technical assistance packages for institutional and human resource capacity building. 

  • Prepare short-term investment packages for repair and rehabilitation. 


  • Municipal Infrastructure
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Water Sector Programme in the Republic of Yemen (WSP), financed by Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


From 2017 to 2018



Project Activities

  • Assessment on the condition of the 12 Local Corporations with additional utilities and branches. 

  • Development of a strategic approach for technical assistance and investment measures. 

  • Outline an institutional and human resource framework of interventions. 

  • Preparation of capacity development packages, aimed at the institutional and human resource requirements. 

  • Preparation of technical assistance packages considering governance practices, utility management, financial practices, and human resource management. 

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Clean water and sanitation