Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the Wastewater Sector
Jordan, one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, is increasingly affected by climate change. This project aims to promote efficient and sustainable water resource management, contributing to Jordan’s climate protection efforts. It also focuses on environmentally and energy-efficient sewage sludge treatment and the use of reclaimed water for irrigation.
The project consists of three parts: Part I – As Samra Mono Sludge Landfill; Part II – Upgrading wastewater and sludge collection at Wadi Al Arab and Irbid Central WWTPs, integrating renewable energy and energy efficiency for sustainable sanitation and energy access; Part III – Final Treatment Plant, improving water quality for irrigation, supporting food security and sustainable agriculture.
Expected outcomes include a 65% reduction in sewage sludge, lower greenhouse gas emissions, 95% environmentally sound sludge disposal, and compliance with Jordanian irrigation standards for treated wastewater.
- Municipal Infrastructure
- Water Resources Management
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), financed by KfW
From 2018 to 2023
Irbid, Zarqa, Jordan
Project Activities
Part 1: As Samra Mono Sludge Landfill - 5 waste cells with a total capacity of 2.8 million m³ net.
Construction of cell 1 with a capacity of around 500,000 m³ and an estimated lifetime of 5 years. The area to be sealed is around 60,000m².
Leachate and storm water management systems and a landfill gas management system consisting of vertical gas extraction wells with gas flare and electric generator as well as infrastructure such as buildings, roads, supply and monitoring systems to ensure the appropriate operation of the landfill.
Part 2: Central Irbid and Wadi Arab WWTPs
New sewer network, house connections, pump station and force main. Rehabilitation of screens, grit chamber, aeration tanks and clarifiers, etc. at the existing WWTP and the construction of new digesters with associated equipment for sludge thickening and biogas utilisation.
Part 3: Final Treatment Station
Construction of a treatment station comprising filtration and disinfection for the treated wastewater before irrigation.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: